7 Posts



Year of the Dragon Celebration

Here’s a collection of images I took at the Asian Pacific Association of Longmont Lunar New Year celebration at Silver Creek High School in Longmont. Most of these are shot with slow shutter …



I’ve lived in Longmont for many years. It’s an interesting city that contains many contrasts in both architecture and culture. I love taking photos of the old brick buildings that are a …


Gallery Opening at the Firehouse

Really excited to have three of my photographs included in the Long Range juried show at the Firehouse Art Center here in Longmont, alongside Veronica Love, Katherine Gibbons and John Fukuda. Artist …


Long Range

These photos were selected for the Long Range juried show at the Firehouse Art Center. These photographs illustrate some of the long, private conversations I have with the sky while I take night …


The Brink of Winter

I’ve always been drawn to transitions and boundaries between states, and that time when the weather changes and winter sets in is no exception. These photos were mostly taken around my home in …



I call these experimental images autoscapes. They are long exposures creating by moving car lights as they scan across the landscape.


Flat Lands

I grew up in the rolling hills and lush glens of Scotland and find myself drawn to Colorado’s plains. The vast open spaces of these flat lands provide me with space to think and allow the …